Part One: From the Inside Out:
I know, I know - but seriously, you could never have enough water. You’d be surprised at how detrimental NOT drinking water could be. Staying hydrated means less irritability, clearer skin, less wrinkles, and shinier hair! Your body produces excess oils to combat the lack of H20. This causes breakouts, dandruff, clogged pores and slow growth and healing. (If the taste or lack thereof is what keeps you from being your best hydrated self,-- add washed fruits to your water. Chopped berries, cucumbers, or citrus add subtle, refreshing flavor.) Bottoms up sis!
There are soooo many greens to choose from! Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, Zucchini, Arugula – the list goes on. I love green veggies and fruits. But if it comes as a challenge to you, try them all until you find the ones that work for you. You can also try mixing your greens into your favorite fruit smoothie to camouflage the ‘earthy taste’. However you choose to get in it, just, GET. IT. IN.
Try removing white sugar from your pantry. There’s more than enough sugars in our everyday meals that you definitely could go w/o having that as your go-to sweetener. Coconut sugar and Agave are great healthier substitutes.
Protein is essential for growth. That’s means, a beautiful glow for you skin, plus some extra inches and shine for your hair. Since following a new plant-based diet, I ALWAYS get asked the question “How are you getting your protein?” Girl, the same way the cow that you eat gets his protein. From greens sis! Nuts. Eggs. Oats. Tuna. Quinoa. Lentil. Etc. – The options are endless.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself! Prevention & early detection is key. Most of us will agree that these aren’t the greatest thing to look forward to. But getting yourself checked out eases the anxiety of the unknown. – Also, now might be a good time to treat yourself to a therapy session. Do a little research, ask for a referral, and unpack a lot of that baggage that I’m sure you don’t need to carry with you into a new decade. Whew chile!
Always consult with your doctor before possibly overloading your body with things it does not need. . Your annual check-up usually includes your levels and deficiencies. Grab some vitamins and supplements that you’re lacking, and help your body get back on track. Your body is constantly and always working to maintain itself in its healthiest state. Think about it: your hair, bones, skin and other organs are ALWAYS in the process of creating new cells. It’s up to you to create a healthy environment for those new and healthy cells to grow and multiply.
***If taking Biotin as a supplement for hair, skin, or nail health - be sure to drink PLENTY of water! Then drink some more.
***Also, be sure to get your minerals too. Your vitamins will breakdown and absorb better with the help of some natural minerals.
This one is always at the top of my list. When things are peaceful around me, my performance is at 110%. The minute that peace is interrupted, things go haywire. While I am consciously working on self control and being so reactive/impulsive – I have to remind myself to snap out of it, and re-center.
For some of us, peace means alone time. Reading a book. Riding a bike. Taking a Walk. Having a glass of wine. Whatever brings you to that calm place of gratitude – go with it. Don’t’ over-indulge, as everything needs balance.
‘Journaling’ is a great way to reflect. With our minds running a mile-a-minute, remembering the things that make us smile often gets lost in the wind. Meanwhile, moments of aggravation, pain, or mishaps seem to linger forever, Journal and RELEASE it. New day, who dis?
Mmmhmm. I know. Who has time for sleep right? Wrong. You better make some time. Or your body will force you to sit down. Figure out ways to work smarter and not harder. Get those kids on a better routine. Stop answering work calls after work hours. Save the laundry for tomorrow. Don’t sacrifice your rest trying to get it all done in a day. RELAX.
I could go on for days about some more INNER LOVE. We’ll get there. For now -- I hope you enjoyed. I hope you’ll take it one day at a time. Join me for Part II in a couple of weeks. I’ll give you some time to soak this all up.
Cheers to a new you. Begin. Again.